Tuesday, February 22, 2011

2 kewl 4 skool

Having just come back from an RA interest meeting and been reminded of the tough freshman transition to college, I've been reflecting on my high school vs. college experience so far. What was it about high school that made me so emotionally attached and bittersweet about my departure? Surely it wasn't the routine 7:30-2:30 school day, the restricted on-campus lunches, or the ridiculous amount of work that kept me up late most nights. Could it have been the assuredness of seeing the same faces since 6th grade along with the familiarity and comfort felt with the faculty? Methinks yes. The fondest memories come to mind when I think of senior year; the closeness of personal relationships established with staff was priceless. I could count on the same teacher every fourth period during my study hall and during her free period that would allow me and a group of friends to work in her room, whether we needed help with calculus or whatnot, or even just to chat and entertain us with thoughts. I remember it was during those times when we discussed how we thought just how college would be different than what we were used to, how forward we were looking to graduation (including not making up snow days- perks of being a senior) and what aspect we would miss about high school the most. It was also during those times when we would express our anticipations for studying "abroad"- and by abroad I mean not in Massachusetts. There were a couple of us headed toward different locations- one girl to Chicago, another to Washington D.C., me to New York, and even a girl to Canada. We discussed how our lives were in our hands and how we were still too young to decide where our futures would lead us. When we weren't discussing the heavy topics, we reveled in the little joys: Harry Potter references, nerdy jokes, hunky male actors, etc. Regardless of whether or not we were engaged in serious discussion, there would always be a way to make jokes, crack some smiles, and relieve some stress. Among the major events that marked senior year, including Prom and Senior Awards Night, I would weigh these little events with the same potency. In all, it was times like these that I would miss the most.


  1. Awwww. You sound really nostalgic. Maybe someday, you'll sound that way about your Skidmore years (hopefully).

  2. I agree!! High school is a special time but I think we have already started to make life memories here in college as well

  3. Word. Coming to college sucked, I didn't know anyone and missed all the friends that I had known since I was 5. But you know what? I put on my big girl panties and got over it. And now i'm fine.

    I wanna be an RA too!
