Monday, February 14, 2011

La Fuerza.

When life gets the best of you, you have to remember the best of it.
You can't accept every blow, you've got to roll with every hit.
For when things are looking down, you've got to keep on looking up-
Ignore what the fortuneteller tells you what your future will be by simply reading a cup.
Control your own destiny, set your own path,
Do not go out to make other's lives miserable in the spite of your own wrath.
Accept life for what it is and not dwell over the unjust
Because every action must
Have an equal and opposite reaction.
Why live in the dark when you can seize the day?
At the start of each morning, it's you who decides on which path to stay.
Either the path lit by the sun's golden rays, or the path that diminishes in a never ending haze.

This week I've been very pensive and haven't really expressed my feelings to many people. It's been a rough weekend, with this iconic holiday marking the icing on my cake of fabulosity. In my state of being bummed I felt inspired to write, in hopes that a motivational poem of my own would spur something inside me to help me feel better. In that respect, this poem wasn't written to please my audience, but moreso functioned as a cathartic release of emotions that have been cumbersome to my mentality. I've never really been too fond of my writing, but I am glad that this blog entry helped to release some of the things off my chest. Hopefully next week's blog entry will be more entertaining.


  1. Absolutely beautiful! Hope you cheer up soon! I think this winter is getting the best of everyone lately, but your spirits will warm up with the weather I'm sure! :) one day at a time!

  2. Great poem.

    And I had the same feelings just last week but am happy to state that they will be gone soon for you too. Feel better.

  3. I love your poem. It eloquently expresses how I think life should be lived. I love the line "control your own destiny, set your own path". I hope your week turns around for the better!
