Tuesday, February 1, 2011

8 n' counting

I woke up this morning to flurries of snow making themselves the central focus of my windowseat view. Having heard through the grapevine (this being so since I no longer watch the news due to the absence of a t.v.) that this would be a near torrential snow storm, I couldn't help but wonder whether the increasing amounts of snow would serve as foreshadowing for my life at school. Just as I had predicted, the accumulating snow would indeed correlate to my increasing amounts of homework. Also, the whiteness of the untouched snow in the quad could signify the innocence and purity that a new semester brings. A blank slate, if you will. You can choose to either maintain the virgin snow or jump right in and tarnish what could have otherwise remained perfect. Today, I decided to walk past the snow.


  1. Very poetic. I love the last line. It makes me want to read more.

  2. I definitely see the similarities between the new semester and untouched snow, great work!
