Sunday, March 27, 2011


Sun doesn't shine. Food doesn't taste. Hours pass like minutes. Close your eyes, feel the rays, warm your skin. Breathe out, breathe in. Can't get enough of your weightless air. Smother me, engulf me, hold me in your arms. Gentle lips brush mine. Touch me and my heart flutters. Hazel eyes that radiate in the light. Brighten my world, stay with me forever. Enlighten me with your quintessential being. Hold my hand, spin me around. Laugh, and laugh, and laugh all over again. Beautiful smile immediately influences mine. Have no cares in the world, no sense of any time but now. Freeze this moment and capture it in a photograph. Remember us. You are the best thing that's ever been mine. Thoughts of you and I in sweet summertime.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

No Subject

Gah. I'm upset. The week before spring break I had saved a incomplete draft about The Labyrinth to be finished after midterms, but I waited too long and it is now gone. Honestly, I can't remember much of the movie at this point, perhaps because I have blocked it out as a repressed memory. In any case... I'd recommend this movie to someone who enjoys seeing a cross-dressing David Bowie, awful 70's workout music, or just plain horrible stage sets. KIDDING (but not really)! Although I can't remember much, I do remember the feminist undertones illustrated by the female protagonist's cries of "You can't control me!" in a defiant near the end of the whole movie. Not gonna lie, it reminded me of the Wizard of Oz. She goes on a magical journey to complete a mission and meets some unordinary friends along the way. Can this plot symbolize the monomyth? After all, the female heroin was called to action as she set forth to save her baby brother, but I can't recall her denying the call. I could be wrong, but this would essentially disprove that theory. Anywho, one of the more interesting quotes that stuck with me about the movie was "Nothing is ever as it seems" (or something along those lines). I distinctly remember this being said sporadically throughout the movie. It just made me realize how this general quote could apply to life in so many ways. Maybe you have that one professor and/or student that ticks you off, but there may be something in their lives that made them that way. It seems as though we have no sympathy for people nowadays and just judge, judge, judge. We assume behaviors are a result of that person's temperament, but hardly do we ever cut them slack to blame it on the situation at hand. Wow, I forgot how stress-relieving blogging was. My life has just been so busy since I got back to school. Speak of the devil, I have lots of reading/studying/homework to do with my name written all over it (literally). Ta ta for now, dear friends.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


This is the pre-post to a post I plan on making later, after watching The Labyrinth. So excited. I feel like I'll definitely have some ideas to toss out and I'm ready for a free-for-all. Are you?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Coo-coo-cachu.... Haiku

I don't know about you guys, but I get some of my best ideas from the shower. On standing under the constant stream of hot water last night, I wondered how I could describe my day. A poem? No, too long. I was too tired for that. Then clicked the idea.... a haiku! Why? Because they're AWESOME! I had totally forgotten about haikus until that very moment, and needless to say it was mildly bothersome. I remembered how much fun we had with these in elementary school. However, we have more freedom to arrange them now in our older age because of our developed wit. Oh, W;t -- a book we had to read in English class last year. Anyway, for those of you that may not be familiar with a haiku, it is 3 phrases made of 17 syllables total- the first phrase being 5 syllables, the second being 7, and the third being 5 again. Here are some sample haikus.

Winter Haiku:
I wake, reluctant;
Too cold to get out of bed
But I need to pee.

or another

Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense

Before I head to class in 10 minutes, I'm going to try one of my own. It's actually pretty lame but whatevs, I have to pack up for class.

Want to be back home
Take showers without flip flops
Armenian food.

Included is this song because well.... I'm a sleepyhead. Why, you ask? Because living the midterm life is horrible.