Thursday, May 5, 2011

5 mayo 2011

So in less than a week from today, I'll be home. How do I feel about this? SUPER PUMPED! I used to think that's all I would be, but I've already made plans with people from school that I'l miss. Me and a couple friends are going to go on a roadtrip to Vermont and go cliff jumping, water tubing, boating, etc.... a.k.a. epicness. Another couple of my friends want to go visit our friend from Maine. Her family owns an island that you have to take a ferry to get to so that's going to be fun fun fun (yeah!) The only thing that sucks is that my internship for this summer fell through already. I don't know what I'm going to do. Probably work in retail. But still. I turned down being a counselor at summer camp for this, and now there's no going back. Sorry I've been blabbing this whole post, I guess I don't know what else to say. I guess to all the people reading this, good luck with finals!

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