Thursday, August 2, 2012


First of all, wow. It's been a while since I've been on here and the layout has changed drastically. Anyway, I've had a couple of good ideas for a blogpost as of late, but just have not gotten around to doing anything about it. I couldn't resist today, though, because something so weird happened to me! It all started off with me sitting at my desk at work, just analyzing some data (the us(ual)), when all of a sudden I had goosebumps all over my body and felt something pass over me. You know when you feel like there's a spirit, or a presence in the room? That's what it felt like. Then, thoughts from someone in my past popped into my mind. I almost felt like it was their presence I was feeling. After that, I realized my last day at work is what would be the three year anniversary with this same person. Lastly, as I approached my car to leave work, I noticed that there was someone blocking my car. They had to move before I could get out and guess what.... that person had the same car as the person from my past. I've just been thinking about all of this today and came to a stunning realization. The relationships that you have with a person from the past will never, ever be the same. If you ever try to restore a relationship from the past, there will always be some kind of trust issue or wall to be broken down, regardless of whether or not everything seems fine. The statement that relationships won't ever stay the same can also be applied to ongoing relationships, of course. I'm not sure about you, but the discovery that things won't ever be the same was striking to me. So it got me to thinking about time in general. In psychological terms, I am in the stage they call "emerging adulthood"- it lasts from ages 20-25. It's just weird to stop for a second and think about how times have changed. My adolescence is gone, and I will never be able to truly relive those days. I have much bigger responsibilities now (or responsibilities in general) and much more to come. I remember young me back then, wishing I was older. I wish I was told to truly appreciate those days, because they've flown by way too quickly. What I didn't realize as a child, though, was that being older isn't as amazing as I once thought (not saying I'm not loving being 20 years young!) With more freedom comes more responsibility. Shortly after, I felt like I spiraled into adulthood and there was no middle stage. I know there was, but it all just felt like a whirlwind. So basically my message is this- cherish every day and be thankful for what you have because you never know when it'll be gone....