Sunday, April 15, 2012

Highschool Memories

This was a piece I wrote in high school. Our assignment was to create a Canterbury Tale with our own character. It was not mandatory to write in iambic pentameter, but I thought it sounded better so most of mine is. I'm really quite proud of my work, and I'm not usually fond of my writing.


The stories that classified Ancient Thebes
Were those of frenzy and tragic endings.
This city fussed of riches and the gold,
But The Princess was the purest, behold.
Pandora was given the young broad’s name,
And she did not put her parents to shame.
Fair not only at heart, but with her face,
Her Goldilocks curls fell right into place.
Not only blonde but with shining blue eyes;
Their depth put shame to Heaven’s bright blue skies.
She had presence, but not in way of gifts,
Her name, after all, meant she would uplift.
Although the lass had all beside her feet,
She wished not own the goods of the elite.
She wished for all the simple things in life,
And not fret over being someone’s wife.
This tale will tell the quests of lustful men,
Who only care to mate with her in bed.
While most will fail one fateful will remain,
Though normally would be looked with disdain.
The King sent off each man in terms of task,
But who knew the victor would be in mask.
Not literally in form of mask, of course,
But not the ideal stud upon a horse.
For her, she did not care ‘bout what they bought,
But their false intentions weren’t what she sought.
A heart of gold to match hers was her hope,
And not just any man who thought “she’s dope”.
While daddy forced the men who lived in wealth,
The princess warned to “back off” for their health.
While sad at loss for the ultimate man,
The King had cooked up the unfailing plan.

Once upon a time, in a land filled with crime,
There existed a princess whose persona was prime.
While filled with charm, intellect, and grace,
No suitors saw beyond the beauty of her face.
All the while, she was growing with age,
And for this, the King sought for her to engage.
While the richest suitors filled her father with delight,
Their penchant for her money filled his daughter with fright.
“I wish to be loved for who I am, and not what I’m made of!” she cried,
But the father only cared for a rich man to wed his future bride.
And whilst the daughter and father fought,
To the king suddenly appeared a fascinating thought.
“I’ll create a quest, to be completed by hand,
And the victor will be the worthiest of the land!”
So the daughter forcefully agreed, and the father publicized,
Of a contest in which the winner was worthiest in his eyes.
Pandora made one minor change in this, however,
She told her father to judge this contest would be her pleasure.
So the father complied, and named off a list,
In which these competitors would be responsible for 3 gifts.
First a bouquet of flowers, then a sword, and finally a ring,
A selection that wasn’t easy, according to the King.
Then the men scoffed, and questioned if the King thought they were tourists,
Because after all, they could simply just go to the florist.
But Dionysus, an unknown man of mystery,
Regarded the task with a look back at his history.
The thought of Daisy, his passed away grandmother, made his heart harden,
So he planted that type of flower in honor of her in his garden.
While all the other suitors bragged of their over the top bouquets,
Dionysus seemed disheartened as he made his way
Toward his competitors. Pushes and shoves were given by the rest of the fellows
While Dionysus, not in all the action, remained very mellow.
Pandora, curious to see why this man,
Remained toward the end of the clan,
Questioned him first, and the other men reversed
To see the clever lines that this pity fool rehearsed.
He explained of Daisy, his beloved grandmother,
And how the love he had for her could be the equivalent to love for another.
Her grin turned into a smile, and her eyes turned clearer than before;
Automatically she knew this man was worth so much more.
So came time for the second assignment, to pull a sword out of a stone,
A task that would certainly make some of these men groan.
While the rich, apparently muscular men tried to show they were hardcore
Their strength was simply not as good enough as those on the Jersey Shore.
When it finally came to Dionysus’s turn, he thought his limp frame would never cause the sword to part,
But when he did with ease, a hobo cried out “It has not to do with strength of muscles, but strength of heart!”
Her heart fluttered, and she knew this would be her man,
But he needed to succeed at one more task to complete the plan.
A ring, a ring, what a complicated thing,
Would she prefer something modest or a diamond of sparkling bling?
So the richest suitors contacted their favorite jewelers
In hopes that the biggest of diamond rocks would woo her.
Pandora pondered upon the possibilities;
What could he get this time that would be equally sweet?
Without fail, they returned the next day,
Anxious of what the Princess had left to say.
All she could think about was Dionysus, though,
And whether his last attempt would appeal to the big guy on the throne.
And alas, with the oversized rings, most tried to kiss her ass,
Although the ring of Dionysus weighed a very small mass.
Waving all others aside she went straight to him,
And when she knew of its significance, she could barely move a limb.
A ring passed down from generations past
The ring he bestowed made her heart beat fast.
And even though his shining armor was made of tinfoil,
There was something about him that made her blood boil.
So the virtuous princess selected her winner with a kiss,
And the other fools made themselves look like bastards in the midst.


Unperturbed porcelain surface reveals no imperfections.
No implications.
Glassy eyes stare back in a placid temperament.
Try to look deeper-- no windows.
What is hiding behind the drop curtains?
Next, touch skin.
Cold. Clammy. Indistinguishable.
Severed connections
Un-breachable barrier
Necessary Savior
The things I can no longer do.